Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday 5 - 10.01

5 things I am looking forward to this weekend:

1 – Oktoberfest at Gasthof’s. For the past few years I guess you could say it has been a tradition that The Mrs. and I attend Oktoberfest at Gasthof’s! Now, although there is some pretty strong German heritage in my family I would not consider myself to be obsessed with all things German in nature. We like Oktoberfest at Gasthof’s because it is a great time! Beer, brats, a band, (das) boot and buddies!
2 – Saturday night sushi. Unlike Oktoberfest, Saturday night sushi is not a tradition (yet?). Earlier this week The Mrs. and I, along with some of her other friends and their spouses, were invited to one of her school friends’ house for make your own sushi! I have never made my own sushi, but it sounds fun and delicious!
3 – Volunteering at the Washburn Games. I am very excited for this Sunday because I will be volunteering – something I haven’t done in quite some time! Last month I signed up to volunteer at the Washburn Games with other coworkers of mine. I received my “assignment” email from the organization on Wednesday and it turns out that I will be helping in the Baseball sports area! I will be helping with the “Batter Up!” activity where I will assist kids with their swing, pitch some baseballs, retrieve some baseballs and keep score! I think it will be a lot of fun; I am just glad I did not get assigned to the cricket station…I don’t even know how to play cricket! I wonder if the kids do? 
4 – Cooking dinner. Now compared to the previous three, number four here seems a little lackluster, but I assure you it isn’t! The last couple of weekends since The Mrs. has gone back to school she has been busy all day…every day, which gives me loads of free time. Since I would go nuts playing my computer all day Saturday and all day Sunday I have started getting back into cooking! Two weekends ago I busted out the crock pot and this last weekend I made a great potato soup. I am not sure what is on the plate for this weekend, but I am sure it will be tasty!
5 – Coffee hour. No, it’s OK…your thought process was right --- hmmm…Coffee hour > Jason > acts like he is 40 sometimes > oh I guess that makes sense --- YEP! I am excited for coffee hour again this weekend! Now, I just read your thought process (see above) and ‘no’ I am not old! I just like coffee hour after church; it is a relaxing way to start Sunday! Plus, since I have been really cutting back on my coffee intake (i.e. none, except on Sunday’s) I get my coffee fix for the week!

Well that should be my weekend in a nutshell! Stay tuned on Monday for my weekend in rewind!

What is on your plate for this weekend?


  1. Sounds fun Jay! I have to work tonight until 7pm and then tomorrow from 9-noon, but after that I am excited to be doing to a wedding and get my dancing shoes on! I LOVE dancing!!!

    I am also very excited to lay around on Sunday, watch football and if it's nice go for a walk. The trees are so beautiful right now - this is my favorite time of year (scenery wise) in Minnesota.

    I can't believe you only drink coffee on Sunday. Good lord! I drink so much coffee its retarded. I probably should cut back :)

    Have a good weekend - we need to get together soon again!

  2. @Rachelle
    I used to drink a ton of coffee too! There are definitely days when I miss it, but in general I feel like I don't look or act as tired in the morning now that I don't drink it.

    Or maybe I am so tired from the lack of coffee that I cannot see or think straight!
