Thursday, September 16, 2010

Microwave Etiquette for the Office

Most people seem to not have microwave etiquette for the office. In fact, it has become apparent (in my office at least) that most people don't even know what microwave etiquette is. For those of you who work in an office or will someday in the future here are a few simple rules to follow when using a microwave at work:

1) Keep your exotic seafood dishes at home! I went to heat up my soup today and the microwave smelt like nasty old fish! There is nothing worse than the office smelling like the boat from "The Deadliest Catch."

2) Cover up your food! Don't splatter up the microwave with your spaghetti dinner from last night, put something over it! If you don't have a cover then at least put a napkin over your food lest your microwave end up looking like the one above!

3) Watch the cook times! popcorn does not need to cook for 5 minutes! Burnt popcorn is not a pleasant odor to smell in the office all afternoon!

4) Don't jump the line! Those other people with their food nicely lined up in front of you aren't waiting in line for their health! The exception to this, however, is when the person currently using the microwave leaves his food in the microwave unattended - in this case you can remove his food and start your nuking!

5) Don't torment us with small time intervals! If something takes 3 minutes to cook then punch in 3:00. Do not hit :30 six times making everyone look like gophers popping up over their cube walls every time the microwave buzzer sounds!

If you can't follow these rules then please go out for lunch or bring in a cold sandwich or something!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. It used to just irk me when someone left a messy microwave or would heat things up thirty seconds at a time for nine minutes. Good post - now if only co-workers would follow it!
