Friday, September 17, 2010


Me: "Oh, hey there 'Joan'. Happy Monday! I was just wondering if you might be able to get me that cost estimate for annual planning by Friday?"
Joan: "Oh for sure, I can get you that detail before then! Have a great week!"
Me: "You too!"

It seems simple enough, doesn't it? A deadline is given. You accept the deadline and are therefore expected to meet that deadline on or before the specified date. So, can you guess what happened in the above scenario? --- I do not work with a Joan, btw.

A - Joan submitted the cost detail on or before the deadline in full detail!
B - Joan submitted the cost detail on the deadline, but at the very last moment.
C - Joan has not yet submitted the cost detail and has asked for an extension until Monday.

If you guessed A or B then you are wrong! "Joan" has yet to submit her cost detail to me and has pretty much said it would not be ready until Monday at the latest. My problem is that I had a deadline of today (Friday) to submit all of my data for our managerial review on Monday!

Why do people procrastinate and constantly miss deadlines? All of these people run around with Blackberry's looking so important...why don't they use the calendar, note or even the task features on this device to actually meet a deadline?!?! If you know someone like this please pass along these few tips on how to actually meet deadlines:

1 - Keep a list! Use that Blackberry for something other than texting and emailing! Calendars are great.
2 - Give yourself a cushion! If you know the deadline is Friday then make your personal deadline Thursday!
3 - Block of time on your schedule you just created using your Blackberry specifically for this task!
4 - Shrink your ego a bit and put yourself in my shoes for once! If I am given an ad hoc task I complete is ASAP...maybe you could do the same!

Sorry for the rant today, but procrastination on work-related deadlines in my book is just plain wrong. It shows a lack of professionalism in the work place!


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