Monday, November 15, 2010

Too Early for Christmas Decorations?

Is the second week in November too early to put up your indoor Christmas decorations? Maybe, but apparently it isn't too early for Christmas music on the radio - that already started last weekend! The Mrs. and I wasted no time either! We put up our Christmas decorations this past Saturday! I know...I isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but what else was I supposed to do Saturday morning during our massive snow storm while The Mrs. was studying? If you live in a cold-weather state (like Minnesota) then it makes to put your decorations up early before it snows - but fo' real don't turn them on until at least after Thanksgiving, homeboy! Now that is a little early IMHO - *cough* neighbors.

When do you usually put up your Christmas decorations? Oh and do you go all out with decorations - both indoor and outdoor? Right now we just do indoor since our apartment doesn't have outlets outside on the patio.


  1. What is "IMHO"? Haha nice reference! "Hide your wife, hide your children . . . and hide your husband cause they's rapin' everyone up in here" or however the quote goes =)

  2. @Amanda
    IMHO - In my honest opinion :P

    "run and tell that, run and tell that...home home homeboy!"

  3. hahahaha!!!! You are so dumb..... you are really really dumb!!!!

    I usually put the tree up after Thanksgiving sometime and I don't do outside lights. Some inside, but not many. Never really got into decorating much for any holiday. Another trait I beleive I picked up from mother.

    I really am a lot like her aren't I?!?!?.....
