Monday, January 24, 2011

After the Dentist

Maybe I am weird...or paranoid...or maybe both - that wasn't a question so don't answer that - but seriously every time I go to the dentist my teeth hurt and they didn't hurt beforehand! Take today for instance...I went in for a routine cleaning - no issues and now my teeth hurt! I wish they didn't poke around so dang much and irritate my gums! Grrr...stop touching my gums if you keep telling me "you have very healthy gums!"

I think they are trying to create issues so that I come back later! They are worse than lawyers I tell ya! o.O did I say that?!?! nah - just kidding!


  1. Oooh watch that lawyer-bashing in there . . . you are helping fund the makings of one. lol!

  2. @Amanda
    Oh believe me...I know! And the funding is running dry! I will have to call Rachelle soon and ask for a commercial loan!

  3. haha!!! well at least you have dental insurance.....I went the other day for a routine cleaning and found out my new employer doesn't offer dental! I felt like such a tard. LOL!
