I was reading the news over lunch and I came across
this article...about New York state putting certain childhood games on a warning list (i.e. play at your own risk) for summer camps, school, etc...Keep in mind that this new regulation requires that ANY NY camp that wants campers to play the games
below will be required to pay a
$200 registration fee and have medical staff on hand. How dumb is that?
Games/activities on the warning list:
* Capture the Flag
* Crab Soccer
* Dodgeball
* Wiffle Ball
* Flag Tag
* Flag Football
* Ga Ga
* Kickball
* Nuk-em
* Red Rover
* Steal the Bacon
* Tag (all varieties) --- I nearly lol'd when I saw tag...I mean really?!?!
I am not sure what Ga Ga, Nuk-em and Steal the Bacon are, but I cannot believe that the other games made the warning list...seriously! As a kid we were encouraged to go out and play tag, kickball, red rover, etc. at school during recess and
now they are considered dangerous?!?!
First they complain about kids being overweight and not playing outside and getting proper amounts of exercise. Now, they are putting warnings and penalizing summer camps that encourage these same kids to engage in childhood games...these lawmakers should focus on more economic recovery and less on this nanny state intrusion!